Thursday, December 27, 2007

The MonsterStack officially joins the blogger community

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone out there!

I am very happy to announce that frequent guest blogger on, the MonsterStack has started his very own blog. MonsterStack has made several very insightful postings on various topics such as 6seat SNGs as well as MTT. I very much am looking forward to digging into his latest strategy post, RAZZ, one of the few games left in the online role where a person with an "edge" can truly take the fish to town. I have added MonsterStack to my "must-read" list and I encourage you to do so as well.

See you at the virtual felt,

BR - ? (just got back from Iowa, can't remember where I stand)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for the addition. If you enjoy Razz or just want to know more about the game, keep an eye out for more articles on Razz on my blog. It is my favorite and best game to play and there is little written on the topic. I am hoping to rectify that situation.
